Review Expansions of Significant Films and Books
The various mythologies of our age are powerfully expressed in books and films. These are invariably filled with both deep insights and also much that is less helpful to promoting a Biblical vision of the conflict between the ongoing conflict between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness – or what Augustine called the conflict between the City of God and the Earthly City in his blockbuster The City of God.
In an attempt to both tap into the valid insights of such films as Exodus: Gods and Kings, Star Wars, The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, and many others, as well as to develop a more authentic Biblical picture of the conflicts involved, it is our intention to develop a section of our website toward an exploration of these matters. The most likely way in which this will be done will to begin such explorations through weekend seminars so that we can get some good feedback from participants before the material is put up on the web.
Review of significant books
Reviews of Movies Coming soon
In-depth & Challenging reviews

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